Go Green with Eugene
Eugene Platt for State House Seat 115
Special Election ~ Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Things to consider about Eugene:
Native Charlestonian
- born here in 1939
- grew up in West Ashley (when still known as Saint Andrew’s Parish)
- serving in the South Carolina National Guard while still in high school
- serving in the Army (11 th Airborne and 24 th Infantry Divisions, 1957-1960)
- Public Elementary and High Schools of Charleston County
- University of South Carolina, B.A. in Political Science
- Trinity College Dublin, Diploma in Anglo-Irish Literature
Public Servant
- appointed in 1993; elected in 1996; reelected in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2016
Man of Faith
- raised Baptist (baptized at Ashley River Baptist Church)
- active member of Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Refreshing Candidate
- has pledged to neither solicit nor accept campaign contributions,
Published Author
- several collections of poems, with a new one coming out this fall
- a novel, Saint Andrew’s Parish
Principled Positions
- Environmentalist (previously endorsed by Sierra Club)
- If elected, will pre-file bill to end the death penalty in South Carolina
- Opposed to using ever increasing sales taxes as a panacea for public needs
- Opposed to public magnet schools to detriment of local public schools
- Supports term limits for State legislators (In his case, only three months)