1st District Green Party candidate endorsed by 2012 nominee for president


Published by: The Post and Courier

Eugene Platt, the only third-party candidate in the 1st Congressional District special election, on Friday picked up the endorsement of the Green Party’s 2012 presidential candidate.

In a prepared statement, Jill Stein wrote:

“It isn’t often that people have a chance to vote for someone who is firmly on the side of working people and who has the courage to take on the big political machines that have been creating such a mess in Washington. Eugene Platt is a breath of fresh air for the voters. If you think we need more integrity and compassion in our elected officials, you can show it by proudly casting a vote for Eugene Platt for Congress.”

In the May 7 election, Platt faces Republican Mark Sanford and Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch.

A retired civil servant, Platt has held a seat on the James Island Public Service District Commission since 1993.